A Come Apart

Grand Maman, 48” x 52” x 20”, found fabric, thread, wire

Grand Maman, 48” x 52” x 20”, found fabric, thread, wire


opening Friday, November 5th, 6-9 pm at the Medicine Factory, 85 Virginia Ave. W, Memphis. With musical entertainment. 

This work narrates my relationship with my Mother.  She was a child of the 50s and her beauty was her currency in the world. She held onto that image (and expectation) of herself through many traumas and addictions, and expected the same from me. She was married to her second husband for a year and he never saw her without makeup on.

I have spent most of my adult life shaking off all of the shoulds and musts, and I distanced myself from my Mother to accomplish that. Towards the end of her life, I became her main caregiver because there was simply no one else. I’m grateful that I had that time to understand, just a little, who she was and maybe why. This work grew out of that time, and all the time before, exploring the inane quest for beauty and social acceptance, no matter how much damage and trauma lies beneath.

Runs through November 28th. Open 9am-2pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Call 484-6154 for entry or to make an appointment. Artist’s talk November 20th at 2pm.